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Staying Safe
The Western Australian Government is committed to keeping the community as safe as possible when using our oceans. There is no one simple solution, shark encounters are rare and the following shark safety initiatives, operational responses and shark safety tips, allow the community to keep informed and help reduce the risk of a shark encounter.
Beach Emergency Numbers
19 July 2018The Beach Emergency Numbers (BEN) system – named in honour of fatal shark bite victim Ben Gerring – is a coding system that aims to improve emergency response times by installing signs with unique codes at public beach access points.
These signs provide specific location information, vital when emergency services are deployed in the event of a shark sighting, incident or other beach emergencies.
The program was initially implemented by the City of Mandurah. In December 2017, the Western Australian Government launched a grants program to provide funding for local government authorities (LGAs) to install BEN signs along the coast from Geraldton to the South Australian border. The grants program was then extended in December 2020 to include coastal LGAs north of Geraldton to Kununurra, making the program accessible statewide.
The grants program has been developed and coordinated by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), which has also provided support to LGAs in the development of their grant applications.
Signs are primarily located at beach access points determined by the LGA in consultation with DPIRD, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and relevant stakeholders.
BEN signs will be progressively installed in participating LGA areas and are currently located in:
- City of Albany
- Shire of Ashburton
- Shire of Augusta-Margaret River
- City of Bunbury
- City of Busselton
- Town of Cambridge
- Shire of Capel
- Shire of Carnamah
- Shire of Carnarvon
- Shire of Chapman Valley
- City of Cockburn
- Shire of Coorow
- Town of Cottesloe
- Shire of Dandaragan
- Shire of Denmark
- Shire of East Pilbara
- Shire of Esperance
- Shire of Exmouth
- City of Fremantle
- Shire of Gingin
- Garden Island
- City of Greater Geraldton
- Shire of Harvey
- Shire of Irwin
- Shire of Jerramungup
- City of Joondalup
- City of Karratha
- City of Kwinana
- City of Mandurah
- Shire of Manjimup
- City of Melville
- Town of Mosman Park
- Shire of Murray
- Shire of Nannup
- City of Nedlands
- Shire of Northampton
- Penguin Island
- Town of Port Hedland
- Shire of Ravensthorpe
- City of Rockingham
- Rottnest Island
- Shire of Shark Bay
- City of Stirling
- City of Wanneroo
- Shire of Waroona
BEN sign locations can be viewed on the SharkSmart activity map.
If we haven’t answered your questions in the information provided please contact bensign@dpird.wa.gov.au