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Science & Research
The Western Australian Government's shark mitigation strategy has a strong evidence based focus, backed by science. The Government has supported a variety of research projects and initiatives to enhance our understanding of shark biology and ecology to better inform our government policies.
Shark Tagging
06 November 2013The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has a dedicated shark tagging program to support the Shark Monitoring Network and the department’s shark research.
DPIRD’s tagging operations primarily focus on tagging white and bull sharks, but also includes tiger sharks. These target species are considered high risk as they are most frequently involved in serious shark bite incidents.
Tagging operations are planned to maximise successful capture of white and bull sharks, however tiger sharks incidentally captured may also be tagged.
In Western Australia our researchers have had the most success tagging white sharks around known attractants, such as whale carcasses and schooling fish. Tagging operations generally occur off the Perth metropolitan area and along the south-west and south coasts, although weather and other environmental conditions must be right to do this highly specialised work.
Bull shark tagging operations are focused in the Swan Canning Estuary from late spring to early autumn.
During the tagging process, a genetic sample is taken and details about the shark such as species, sex, length are recorded.
White and bull sharks are fitted with three tags.
- Acoustic tags may trigger a near real-time alert through one of the Shark Monitoring Network receivers.
- Pop-up archival transmitting (PAT) tags collect and store data on water depth, temperature and broad scale location data to learn more about shark movement.
- An identification tag is attached to the shark’s first dorsal fin. This is a visual record that the shark has been internally tagged.
Tiger sharks will be fitted with an identification tag and acoustic tag for detection by the Shark Monitoring Network.
Learn about the process of tagging a white shark in the video below.