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News & Alerts
Dunsborough – additional caution
11 October 2014Department of Fisheries officers are urging water users to exercise additional caution in the area between Bunker Bay and Quindalup after an interaction with a shark was reported late this afternoon at Castle Rock near Dunsborough.
Beaches have been closed at both Castle Rock and Meelup, and will remain closed until mid-morning Sunday when Fisheries officers and City of Busselton rangers reassess the situation.
Department of Fisheries officers say the report was of a shark, species unknown, puncturing an inflatable canoe with two people on board.
Department of Fisheries have tonight inspected pictures of the puncture marks on the deflated canoe and cannot determine what caused the damage.
A Department of Fisheries boat will be on the water monitoring the area, and the Surf Life Saving WA Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter will also conduct a sweep of the area at the start of tomorrow’s patrols.
Advice is that water users should:
- Take additional caution in that location.
- Keep informed of the latest detection and sighting information by checking the Surf Life Saving Twitter – twitter.com/SLSWA, or on their website – www.surflifesavingwa.com.au
- Report any shark sightings to Water Police on 9442 8600.
Shark sighting information reported to Water Police is provided to response agencies and to the public on the Surf Life Saving twitter and website. This information is also available via a link on the Department of Fisheries website shark pages at fish.wa.gov.au/shark. General information on sharks is also available online at sharksmart.com.au.