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Caution alert for water users Floreat to Mindarie
02 November 2013After a series of tagged white shark detections were recorded along the Perth coast early this morning and late yesterday afternoon, the Department of Fisheries is advising water users between Floreat and Mindarie to exercise additional caution.
Detections occurred this morning (2 November) at Ocean Reef around 3.10am and yesterday at Floreat and Scarborough between 5.10 and 6.13pm (on 1 November).
The Surf Life Saving WA (SLSWA) Twitter feed at twitter.com/SLSWA is the best way to keep up to date with both detections of tagged sharks by the Shark Monitoring Network and any sightings reported by members of the community to Water Police.
This information is also available on the SLSWA website at www.surflifesavingwa.com.au and via a link on the Department of Fisheries website shark pages at www.fish.wa.gov.au/shark.
The detections have been communicated to beach safety authorities and a posting to the SLSWA Twitter feed is triggered almost instantly, every time a tagged shark passes close to one of the satellite-linked monitors installed along WA’s coast.
Advice is that water users should:
- Take additional caution between Floreat and Mindarie.
- Keep informed of the latest detection and sighting information by checking the Surf Life Saving Twitter – twitter.com/SLSWA or via www.surflifesavingwa.com.au.
- Report any community shark sightings to Water Police on 9442 8600.
- Adhere to any beach closures advised by your Local Government Rangers or Surf Life Saving WA.